While I was fortunate to provide consultation about the trail's physical elements, like many projects, the Cultural Trail is about more than curb cuts and eye-catching public art. In Indianapolis, the Cultural Trail is all about connections.
Consider this: Mary Beth regularly rides her bike from our home to our downtown office. She is able to safely navigate city streets - in the thick of rush hour traffic - because of the Cultural Trail. Riding her bike along the trail has added benefits. It's one less car on the streets, and it has a positive impact on her health.
We often leave our accessible van parked in our driveway, and use the trail to meet up with friends for dinner along Mass Ave. Or, I might roll along the trail on my way to one of Mass Ave.'s many accessible businesses. On a recent summer night, Mary Beth and I ran into friends and neighbors on our way to Yogulatte for some frozen yogurt. Mass Ave. is a thriving cultural district that embraces diversity, and the trail is a key amenity in linking everyone together.
The connections the Cultural Trail fosters - whether it's physical infrastructure of human relationships - are what make up a community. It's neighbors gathering at a coffee shop. It's suburban residents parking their cars and shopping at locally owned businesses. And it's employers, making investments in our neighborhoods. These types of connections happen every day along the Cultural Trail.
I encourage people with and without disabilities in Indianapolis to take some time to explore the Cultural Trail. It's a great way to connect with our community - and each other.

A view of the Indianapolis Cultural Trail looking
east on Massachusetts Avenue.